1 in 5 men will experience a fertility problem at some point in their life. If you are unfortunately enough to be one of those men, there is hope. Most male fertility problems can be treated.
Below I give an overview of the most common causes of infertility problems in men (and some less common).
Want to know more about a specific condition? Each overview gives you the opportunity to read a full description. Here you’ll find out what the chances are you have it, how to spot the symptoms, and what your next steps are to get treated.
Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
Sperm has to travel along a series of delicate tubes before it is ejaculated. Damage and obstructions to these tubes from injury, surgery or disease can prevent sperm from being ejaculated. This often has no symptoms as the seminal fluid is still ejaculated without the sperm, so you may not even know you have it. Click here to learn more…
Varicose veins of the testicles which can reduce sperm count by overheating the testicles, blocking the ejaculatory ducts or starving them of oxygen and nutrients. Roughly 15% of men will develop these during their life, however varicoceles don’t always cause infertility problems and require a test to see if they are a problem or not. Click here to learn more…
Retrograde Ejaculation
Also known as ‘dry orgasm’, 10% of men will get this condition at some point in their life, though if you get it, it won’t necessarily be permanent. Retrograde ejaculation is where the semen goes into the bladder instead of being ejaculated. Click here to learn more…
Autoimmune Response to Sperm
As many as 1 in every 10 men develop this condition, where your own immune system attacks your sperm. Often the result of another condition or injury, autoimmune response to sperm continues to cause infertility problems even after the cause of the condition has been cured. Click here to learn more…
Undescended Testicles
1 in 25 men will be born with undescended testicles, although most of those men’s testicles will drop before their first birthday. For those unfortunates, whose testicles don’t descend naturally, they are likely to have developmental issues or overheating that reduce their fertility. Even if the undescended testicle was corrected when very young, problems can still manifest in later life. Click here to learn more…
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STDs are one of the most common causes of infertility problems in men. These are diseases that are picked up during unprotected sexual activity. Many STDs do not show signs or symptoms and can have a permanent effect on your fertility even when cured. Click here to learn more…
In a time where high sugar content, pre-prepared meals and snacks are so prevalent, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, diabetes is becoming unfortunately increasingly common in couples of reproductive age. If not properly controlled, diabetes can result in many different causes of infertility problems. Click here to learn more…
Luckily cancer isn’t the killer it used to be, but if you get cancer on or near your reproductive organs, then the resulting damage can cause fertility issues. Worse than the cancer itself are the treatments used to cure it. These treatments often causes of infertility problems that persist even after the cancer has gone. Click here to learn more…
Infections and Diseases
It is not just diseases that are transmitted sexually that are causes of infertility problems. Regular infections and diseases can reduce sperm count and cause fertility issues. Infections and diseases that cause high fevers slow down or can completely stop sperm production and some diseases can cause permanent structural damage if left untreated. Click here to learn more…
Unexplained Infertility
This is where tests can find no underlying fertility problem in the man or the women. Up to 30% of couples who are struggling to conceive receive this diagnosis. Fortunately, it usually responds well to fertility treatments. Click here to learn more…
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