What Are Infections and Diseases?
It is not just sexually transmitted diseases that can cause infertility. Any infections and diseases that affect your genitals or cause long periods of fever (very high body temperatures) can also affect fertility.
Common infections and diseases that can affect fertility:
- Mumps
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Diabetes
- Prostatitis
- Cancer
- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
- Any disease causing long lasting fevers
What are the chances of having an infection or disease that affects fertility?
This is difficult to answer as it is dependent on several factors:
- The lifestyle you lead can have a dramatic effect on your susceptibility to illness. Smoking, drinking, over-eating and lack of fitness all increase your chances of becoming ill
- The immunisations or vaccinations you received as a child and before you go away for foreign holidays help to reduce the number of diseases that can make you unwell. Make sure you are up to date with your immunisations to reduce the chances of catching something that could affect your fertility
- Which country you live in can have a big impact on your health. Local health care policies, the temperature and basic sanitation all contribute to how likely you are to become unwell
- Your genetics can play a large role in how likely you are to become unwell and how quickly you recover. Not really much you can do about this though as it is just the luck of the draw
Symptoms of an Infection or Disease That Affects Fertility
All diseases have different signs and symptoms. However, unlike sexually transmitted diseases, almost all other infections and diseases that can affect your fertility will make you ill enough that you will already have been to see your doctor about them.
Treatment for Infections or Diseases That Affect Fertility
Some infections and diseases cause a temporary loss of fertility, whereas some can cause permanent damage that requires assisted fertility techniques in order to have children. The only way to find out which one applies to you is to visit your doctor so they can send you for tests.
If you currently suffer from a chronic condition (for example diabetes, cystic fibrosis or prostatitis), you can make an appointment to see your doctor immediately. They will discuss with you how your specific situation may be affecting your fertility and send you for further investigations if necessary.
If you have had a serious condition, but have since recovered (for example mumps, recurrent urinary tract infection, or a fever that lasted for a long time), make an appointment to see your doctor after six months of trying for baby without success.
Problems Associated with Infections and Diseases That Affects Fertility
If you are a man, you may also want to read up on the following sections that can be related to infections and diseases:
If you are a woman, you may also want to read up on the following sections that can be related to infections and diseases:
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